[Glass] SmalltalkHub packages not accessible

Martin McClure martin.mcclure at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Aug 27 10:26:59 PDT 2020

SmalltalkHub has been having some problems recently. This was (according 
to the Pharo-Dev list) fixed sometime in the past few hours, though DNS 
propagation might be still going on.



On 8/26/20 11:20 PM, Brodbeck Andreas via Glass wrote:
> Hi all
> I can not access packages from SmalltalkHub (anymore). Is it just my installation of (newest) GsDevKit, or does anybody else have this (major) error? In Pharo the packages are all accessible, but in GsDevKit the list of packages is always empty, on all SmalltalkHub resources!
> For example, run this in GsDevKit shell (or use the UI to list packages):
> **************************
> mr packages http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Seaside30LGPL/main
> **************************
> There should be a couple packages, but the list ist empty. Did something change recently in the data format of SmalltalkHub?
> (The big problem is, that I can not load projects which include some packages from SmalltalkHub. For instance Seaside3)
> Cheers, Andreas
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